Books to depict research

Genealogy Research: An Introduction Course

Time limit: 60 days

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Full course description

Ideal for those just beginning their journey into genealogy research, this completely online and self-paced course introduces select basic concepts of genealogical searching. This includes free and paid resources that are available and how to use them, the caveats of family tree building and record searching, and how to understand and take note of context clues while searching. The focus is on providing the student with foundational steps to begin a basis of genealogical searching and family tree building, while also keeping all facets of searching and technique open-ended to ensure accessibility. The course is centered around video lessons, including quizzes, short answer responses, and online reading assignments.


Course Learning Outcomes:

  • General ways on how to begin a traditional genealogy search from scratch
  • A beginner's understanding of the various types of historical records that are out there to search
  • How to confirm that you are on the right track with your search
  • How to look for small details for additional genealogical confirmation
  • What exactly genealogy is defined as
  •  A general understanding of the various uses genealogy can have outside of traditional family tree research
  • Caveats of historical record keeping, especially when it comes to how that impacts genealogy research
  • How to use historical context as overall genealogical context clues for certain roadblocks
  • Methods and ways to overcome assorted possible genealogy challenges
  • How to look for and use external resources in the United States & abroad

Eric Schubert picked up genealogy at 10 while sick at home and just never put it down. 

Years later, it has inspired his work as a history student and researcher at Elizabethtown College (and beyond), as well as a previous cold case volunteer. 

Eric, a senior at Elizabethtown College, is an award-winning, internationally featured previous cold case/genealogy research volunteer as seen on Good Morning America and CBS This Morning, as well as in People Magazine, The New York Times, The Associated Press and more.