Full course description
Self-awareness is the cornerstone of personal effectiveness. For a group to communicate effectively, each individual must be aware of their own preferences and be able to flex in relation to the perspectives of their team members. This course will introduce a tool called Insights Discovery, a powerful preference based framework that has its foundations in the work of Carl Jung and uses color as a common language. Insights helps people understand themselves and their colleagues so that they can have more respectful, productive and positive working relationships, even across virtual boundaries. Learn more here.
Learning Outcomes
- Learn a common language of understanding and interaction that enhances communication.
- Improve their personal effectiveness by knowing and understanding themselves and others.
- Inspire and facilitate their own and others self-awareness, personal development and growth.
- Gain a new perspective on themselves and others that dissolves limitations and expands possibilities.
- Empower themselves and others to recognize, value and optimize the benefits of diversity.
- Transform the interpersonal dynamics, productivity and culture at their workplace.
Estimated length: 5 hours
Access time: 90 days
0.5 CEUs